Tuesday, August 30, 2011

WebLog 2

Social justice is basically the view that everyone deserves equal opportunities. In Le Guin’s short story the people of Omelas are all faced with the option to live freely and happily in return for one persons suffering, or to leave Omelas because they can’t bare the thought of one person suffering for everyone else. The people of Omelas feel no guilt, as stated in the story, so the fact that there is a child suffering as no affect on them what so ever. Which is completely opposite from the whole idea of social justice due to just the fact it is based on everyone having equal opportunities. The suffering child is locked in a basement and malnourished, and all of the sorrow and anger of the town in put on its shoulders. Therefore the people who continue to live this way and be selfish have no care for the idea of social justice. On the other hand there are the people who leave Ophelias. After seeing the suffering child they feel the guilt, and can not bear living there life in complete happiness knowing that there is one child suffering for them. They understand that it is not fair.

Monday, August 29, 2011

WebLog 1

Personal information1. Name, hometown, primary email.
- Emily, Pittsburgh, eeicher15@jcu.edu

2. What name do you prefer to be called, nick name, etc.?
-Emily is fine.

3. Please insert a picture of yourself in the profile of your new blog.

4. What are you into; what makes you special? Share a few “unique” aspects about yourself that would help our classroom community get to know you a bit.
-I don't play any sports mostly because I worked all through out high school, kind of a workaholic. So it is nice that I will have a little break at school. I plan on getting into the intramural volleyball though because I enjoy playing and I'm decent at it. I think I am really friendly and I will talk to anyone, I love making friends. I enjoy the basic girl things like tanning and shopping. And I really love naps.

Learning Style and more:
5. Being as specific as you can, what must be in place for you to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a classroom?
-It really doesn't matter, I try to be as out going as I can so as long as everyone is nice and friendly I shouldn't have a problem.

Technology Section
6. What do you believe was the most important technological invention in history? Why?

- the cell phone, because you can use it so many ways now and it makes it so much easier to communicate with anyone and everyone

7. Please list a number of technologies you currently believe to be essential to your life.
- computer and cell phone, for sure.  

8. Briefly describe your experience working with 1. computers, 2. digital media, and 3. social media and then rate your technical proficiency on a scale of 10 (I invented Facebook) to 1 (what are you talking about).
- I am really comfortable with computers, my parents always ask me how to use them, 10. I am also really good with digital and social media, so 7 and 10.

About Dr. Shutkin:
9. Write down two or three questions you would like to ask me about myself or the class.